How long does it take to get a Party Wall Award in place?

Home owners often juggle hectic schedules, from the school run and deadlines at work to family commitments and voluntary work, it’s not surprising that once building work is thrown into the mix something often gives and more often than not it’s the least familiar, the legal obligations pursuant to building work.
How FAST can I get a Party Wall Award?
A question we've receive from neighbour’s on opposite sides of the garden fence.
The building owner (undertaking work) has ticked off almost all statutory building and planning requirements and the Party Wall Award is the final hurdle, however the building contractor is due to start in a few days.
The adjoining owner who although has received a Notice and has spoken to their neighbour and agreed that they will appoint a joint (agreed) surveyor, has yet to do so…..aware that their neighbour intends to start work over the coming week and does not wish to cause costly delay.
There are a number of factors to consider when establishing how quickly party wall matters can be resolved. The first and often most overlooked by surveyors are whether or not the Party Wall Notice(s) served are valid, most surveyors will overlook this, and we have seen on numerous Awards' clauses by surveyors stating that Notice(s) have been received and taken on ‘good faith’. In basic terms if a Notice is invalid then so is the Award that follows.

'if a Party Wall Notice is invalid then so is the Award that follows'

Other considerations include the following questions:
Are the Party Wall Notice(s) valid?
Do you have the required technical plans?
Do you have the required design calculations?
Is site access readily available?
Is the likelihood of damage negligible?
Is the scheme of proposed work straightforward?
Is the adjoining owner willing to waiver the notice period required?
If you answer YES to all the above the speed of a duly progressed Award can be dependent upon the level of expertise and efficiency of the appointed surveyor, is your surveyor a dedicated party wall surveyor who specialises in party wall or part of a multi-disciplinary firm that deals with party wall to supplement their other work? A firm that supplements their work with party wall matters is unlikely to be as efficient as a dedicated practitioner who deals with party wall projects on a daily basis.
For dedicated practitioners like TKSG who are specialist party wall experts an average turnaround of 5 working days can be achieved minimising costly and time consuming delays. Although TKSG can turnaround Award(s) in as little as 48 hours it is always advisable to allow a contingency for any unforeseen matter.
Whilst neighbours may be agreement that a Party Wall Award is required, it is the appointed surveyors duty to ensure that all relevant matters are considered in order to safeguard the adjoining owners land and premises, excavating for a basement conversion inherently carries more risk than conversion of a loft space and so more time will be required to factor in the required and enhanced level of due-diligence.
Whatever the situation it is always advisable to seek expert advice as early as possible, Party Wall Notices can be served up to 12 months prior to commencement of work and have either a 1 or 2 month notice period depending on the type of work involved.
If you need further expert party wall advice or assistance don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly consultants.
North London Party Wall Surveyors covering all London and the Home Counties including, Enfield, Haringey, Hackney, Islington, Barnet, Cheshunt, Broxbourne, Cuffley, Potters Bar, Greater London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Surrey