Q. I need a party wall agreement 'fast', can you help?
I need a party wall agreement 'fast', can you help? A recent question from a building owner requiring a party wall surveyor in London.

Q. What can I do about an extension built on my land without permission?
Last year my neighbour built an extension at the back of his house, and now I can see that it has been built over my side of the boundary...

Does verbal consent discharge a building owners obligation under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996?
The matter of oral waiver of the obligations under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 were considered in the Court of Appeal in Seeff & Seeff v...

The Clear Guide to Party Wall Notices
This booklet has been written in order to provide clear and simple impartial advice and guidance to homeowners and landlords who are require

Access under s.8 of the Party Wall Act
What can you do if following the service of a Party Wall Award a neighbour refuses you access onto their land to undertake notifiable...

Objecting to Planning Applications
Are you concerned about your neighbour’s application for planning permission? Are you unsure about the process of objecting the planning...

Party Wall Notices
The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 was enacted by parliament in order to regulate certain building works likely to impact adjoining buildings...

Damage caused as a result of party wall works!
What happens if damage occurs to an adjoining owners’ property as a result of neighbouring building work? The first point of call is to...

Thames Water Build Over Agreement
Did you know?.... If you intend to build within 3 metres of a public sewer you need to obtain approval from your waste water supplier?...

Defective Party Fence Walls & Maintenance
A ‘Party Fence Wall’ is a wall which sits astride the land of different owners and used to separate and define the land, often referred...