Section 10(4) of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996
A Notice under s.10(4) offers an adjoining owner a further ten-days to respond and appoint a surveyor of their choosing

Do I Need a Party Wall Agreement if I'm not working on a Party Wall?
Obligations under Party Wall etc. Act 1996 can exist on any wall dividing a boundary between two or more owners, the Act is also applicable

Simplified Party Wall Definitions
TK Surveying Group have put together the following simplified list of party wall definitions to allow homeowners and landlords to better und

Access under s.8 of the Party Wall Act
What can you do if following the service of a Party Wall Award a neighbour refuses you access onto their land to undertake notifiable...

How long does it take to get a Party Wall Award in place?
Home owners often juggle hectic schedules, from the school run and deadlines at work to family commitments and voluntary work, it’s not...

Damage caused as a result of party wall works!
What happens if damage occurs to an adjoining owners’ property as a result of neighbouring building work? The first point of call is to...